WBFN "The Beautiful Thing"

“Anchored In The Lord’s Love”
Even in the turmoil of Life
you can find Peace
and be Anchored in the Lord’s Love **
even in the middle of your Life’s Storm.
For in 2nd Corinthian 12:9
it say:
“My Grace is sufficient for you.”
there fore be Strengthen by the Lord’s Grace
and His Love
and through Prayer He will help you
walk through the turmoil in your life
and into His Grace and His Love
for there you will find that you are
walking in His Peace
where His Joy will hold on to your Faith
and Wisdom will play a part
as you search your Heart
for you have found
the real recovery for your Faith
for through Prayer you have
been Anchored in the Lord’s Peace.
The warmth of the Lord’s Love, Joy and Grace
Touches your Heart
as the Tranquility of the day
meet the Twilight
of an Evening Song
that brings a personal touch to another
beautiful day
that has put all the turmoil in your life
to rest in the Lord’s Grace
that Passes All Of Your Understanding.
As for now you are Anchored in the Lord’s Peace
By Betty Dompier Martin
October 5, 2014
** "The beautiful thing about God is that even

** though we cannot fully comprehend His **
love, His love fully comprehends us."

put together by Monica
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