We are no longer bound to this world. The world rejects anything that does not comply with worldly desires

Why do some of the “so called intellects” sneer at Christians, why do non believers find us foreign, why do some in other countries continue to martyr us? We are set apart because the Holy spirit is within us. We are no longer bound to this world. The world rejects anything that does not comply with worldly desires.

Tony W Alford

Matthew Williams It would seem the message is more important than the words being used to convey it. If one is all wrapped up in the word syntax, they are looking for the wrong information. And even then the deep meaning of God’s “Message” is hidden from those who don’t believe.Jeffery Blakeley Absolutely!

Jeffery Blakeley


Ruth Ramos Pimenta


Rebecca N Austin Crane

May God in his mercy give us victory over the world In Jesus name Amen

Jane N Onyekwere


Madeleine Johnston