We know the prophecy, all the horror it entails and how it ends. We know it is absolutely God Almighty’s will. Do we stand up and fight against the evil of today? If we do, are we directly fighting against our God?

Here’s a question I’m struggling with.
We know the prophecy, all the horror it entails and how it ends. We know it is absolutely God Almighty’s will. Do we stand up and fight against the evil of today? If we do, are we directly fighting against our God?

Charles Ballentine

No, fighting against evil is not fighting against God. It is fighting for God.It can range from standing up for a child against a bully — to fighting the great social evils of our day. From abortion to systemic racism. Doing right is doing right.Almost always, the people saying our fighting evil is limited to praying and sharing the gospel — face none of the social evils they refuse to fight against.Then for issues they actually care about, ie that impact them personally or their families —> they head straight to the voting polls, city council meetings, the streets, etc. to fight for what they want.So no, it’s not wrong to also fight against evil that impacts and hurts others.

Robert Ash

Yes, we do. Every time u c evil u gotta fight. I am referring to stuff like protesting thing like abortion. Also protect others from violence.

Paul Bukovinsky

That’s a very good question, I sometimes ask myself that thing. I think what we as His children need to do in these evil times is to fulfil God’s purposes for our lives, pray the salvation of the unsaved and live our lives pleasing to Him even in this evil world. I pray this help u with ur concerns

Cecil McDonald

Charles Ballentine, It depends on how you define to fight against evil. We are told to preach the Gospel to all Nations and to do it boldly. By doing that, we are fighting evil. God bless you and may His grace shine upon you.

Allen Scott

Actually it is God’s battle and all we have to do is “be still and know that He is God”.

Jojo Dungca

I believe we are told to “resist evil and it will flee” from us. And at the same time, we are advised Not to rebuke the devil. Either we know that God has control and has told us of it. I don’t think we could have any effect on God’s plan.

Bill Walker

No. Besides spreading the Gospel, We are to take up the causes of the innocents and those too weak to defend themselves. God warned, then punished Israel with wars, plagues, famines, etc. for not caring for the widows and fatherless, for showing favoritism in courts and social events, etc. So the Lord will come when He is ready, but we are to “put skin on Him” until that day. Blessings!

Cathy Murray Fuller