So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.
2 Corinthians 5:9
Yes. God made us in His own image and our goal in life is to spread His goodness and His love. We all have a purpose and we all have a mission in life. We face different kinds of people everyday and what the Lord wants us to be is having compassion and understanding about other people’s situations. We are not the only people living in His creation. Let us remember that our relationship with ourselves, others, and in God should be constant; with love and mercy.
This is an awesome goal to achieve every single second in our life. I really believe that when we keep this in mind every time we wake up in the morning, every time we are about to get angry, every time we are about to do anything; it will keep us in the right track and focus on our ultimate goal is to please our maker.
Yes, let us bring God wherever we go, think of Him in whatever we do or whoever we meet. The way we deal with things in life changes when we think of the Lord. Let us make it our goal to please Him, He is our God, Lord, Savior, Creator, Mentor, Father, etc. He is the reason why we all are here today.
Faith is a key ingredient to pleasing God. In Hebrews 11:5-6 the word of God says that it is impossible to please the Lord without faith. This gives us some insight on how we can please the Lord. If you ask a saved person do they believe that God is real and sees everything that they do? They will tell you of course they believe those things. But then if we believe those things then why are we not pleasing God. We must exercise our faith in God by thinking about him daily and remembering that he is watching us. If we do this then we will find ourselves pleasing the Lord more and more every day. Also if you ask saved people do they believe that the Lord is coming again they will tell you absolutely. But yet many saved people do not live like he is coming back or else they would live differently. If we exercise faith in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ daily we would please God and earn many rewards for the Judgment Seat of Christ because we would realize that time is short and it could happen at any moment. Therefore to please the Lord we must have faith in the fact that he is real and watching us every moment of every day. And we must also have faith in the fact that he is coming again real soon and that we will give an account of what we did after we got saved at the Judgment Seat of Christ.