What are the type of prayers?

Prayer is one of the basic things as a child of God and it is our way of communicating to him.

So it is important as well to know for us, what are the types of Prayer?

Hi there @theenaocay…there are 5 types of prayer:
1)blessing and adoration- like the mass and other liturgies and other prayer for adorations.
2) petition- where we ask God for things we needed not just primarily spiritual needs, but physical ones as well. The prayer of Act of Contrition is an example too.
3) Intercession- it is a prayer of petition which leads us to pray as Jesus did. In this prayer we’re not concerned with our needs but with the needs of others. This prayers are the ones we ask saints to intercede for us.
4) thanksgiving- prayers like the grace before and after meals
5)Praise- prayers like the Act of Charity.


There are different types of prayers but I will only talk about three.

  1. The first type of prayer is private prayer. The Bible is clearly not against prayer in public, but Jesus also encourages us to pray privately. In Matthew 6:5-6, Jesus warns us that when we do pray in public, we are not to pray hypocritically, i.e. merely to be seen by others, trying to show off. Instead, Jesus tells us to enter into our inner chambers, shut our doors and pray to our Father who is in secret. In this way, we can avoid all distractions and give ourselves over to the Lord for a time of prayer.
  2. The second type of prayer is intercession. In these prayers, we ask God for needs regarding our own life or the lives of others (1 Timothy 2:1). In John 17 Jesus prayed a prayer of intercession on behalf of His disciples and all believers.
  3. The third type of prayer is corporate prayer. The early church “all joined together constantly in prayer” (Acts 1:14 NIV) and was devoted to prayer together (Acts 2:42). While praying alone is an important part of Christian growth, praying together serves a unique role that combines the power of prayer with community among believers.
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