Quote from: Minister Lucy Morilla
Hello, dear @Brady
Great declaration by the Minister Morilla, I too will declare it:
“I DECLARE God is working all things together for my good. He has a master plan for my life. There may be things I don’t understand right now but I’m not worried. I know all the pieces aren’t here yet. One day it will all come together and everything will make sense. I will see God’s amazing plan taking me places I never dreamed of. This is my declaration.”
Amen to all that!
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.
Hi @Brady! I declare that God already won this life. I claim all the victories He has for me every day. I may be faced with different struggles but I know that God will not lead me into somehing that I cannot handle. He is always there for me and He wants nothing but the best in my life because I am His beloved, He loves me so much.
I DECLARE that with God, I will win every battles that comes my way. I trust God no matter what situation I’m in. Whether worst moments or joyful things, because trials help us trust God more. I will always choose to follow God’s words and I will always walk in faith with Him. It’s okay to not know everything for now. Sometimes, God allows us to go through difficult times. Yet whatever we endure, no matter how unfair or unjust, we can be sure that God will use it for good. Because His plans are always better than ours.Amen!
today i declare that God will stop this Covid19 and he will heal our land soon, I declare peace and joy to everyone who is reading this right now. i know that our situation is really hard however what we can do right now is to trust in the Lord for the Lord is good and his love endureth forever.