What do you do when you've been feeling down for a while?

Was not well the past few days and sometimes I just feel really lost and unmotivated. Haven’t done my daily devotion for days. Any suggestions?

Hi @kianna! When I’m feeling down, I speak to myself this word “Oh why your so downcast? Blessed the Lord oh my soul and everything in it! Blessed the Lord and forget not all HIS benefits”

Then I started too remember all the goodness or our God and started to thank him and utter praise and worship.

I also speak in tongues to edify my spirit.

1 Corinthians 14:4a says
.Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves

Then I am fire up again after that. :slight_smile:

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Same here @kianna! But I forced myself to read my daily devotions yesterday as I have to backread some of the dates. What I did yesterday was relaxing, you might try it too. First, I went to shower. Second, drink some coffee and read my devotions. And lastly, in a peace of paper I wrote a letter to God telling him all what I feel.

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Thank you so much! @theenaocay :yellow_heart:

I truly agree with you on that! Coffee and a good shower really do help! :+1: :+1: Been feeling okay now, thank you so much @MakkaPakka! God bless you! :yellow_heart:

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@kianna i practice talking to my best friend, family member, co-worker with whom i can talk to? If you don’t, there are hotlines, or professionals, you can talk to. And then there’s always online forums. These are great places to find someone to talk to. Getting things off your chest makes a big difference, and can be a huge lift. It can also help you work out the reasons you’re feeling down.

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Praise always works for me. Find some very moving songs of praise, check out African gospel if you’re not familiar with it, the beats are usually upbeat and the lyrics uplifting. I find that praising God tends to lift my spirits, putting me in the right mood to face whatever has me down. In addition to this you should have a couple of encouraging sermons downloaded which you can listen to when you’re down and it will help you.

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I couldn’t agree more @barpat! It surely does help A LOT when you have someone to talk to, that’s why sometimes it really sucks when you’re alone with your thoughts. God bless you @barpat!

Ooh, I love upbeat songs!! Hihi thank you so much for the recommendations! God bless you @Dia!

From experience,when you feel down, it’s a good ground to keep praying. Because it only meant that you ‘tasted and seen’ that the Lord is good. However, if this has been persevering for about a few weeks, it would be a good thing to seek professional help.

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For me when I feel down I try to stop, reflect and get to the root of my feelings. I pray at all times and listen to music and it puts me in a better mood, make me feel less alone, or takes me on a mental journey.

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Thank you @KrisTefDayaras! God bless you! :yellow_heart:

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Thank you @Valerie! Yes, reflecting really is helpful. God bless you! :yellow_heart: