What do you think JESUS CHRIST suffered most ? Emotionally Physically or Spiritually

2020-08-28 203647

Nahashon M Mbugua 1) physically he was beaten and hanged on the cross
2) Emotionally ,he at a point got angry when he found people doing business in the synagogue but in most cases he controled his anger
3) whe in the cross, he felt abandoned by God and he suffered to the extent of saying (why do you leave me ) in real,he was abandoned because at that time he was carrying the sin of the entire world and he suffered because he was now alone in the cross …

Marua Kahu Spiritually…
He was separated from His Father at that point before he died…
My God, My God , What have you forsaken me?

Shayla Aragon I think physically because OF THE VERSE IN THE BIBLE (matthew10:28) TElls us to not fear those who can kill the body but not kill the soul