What does it mean that love is of God?

What does it mean that
love is of God?

Chris Tom

That good things only come from God, if it is not good, it’s not of God (love)

Lance Sandoval

God is love.

Jane Banks

Good question. Everything sweet kind lovely perfect good sacrificial wonderful passionate that you can experience from love, is the very character of God and originates from God

Mike Ryan

Our ability to compare, measure, and comprehend things is by using God as the standard. God is love, God is truth, God is Holy, God is power, God is light… so all of our knowledge and understanding of true love is of God. We can only reflect a portion of love, only God can have, give, & know love in it’s fullness.

Kristen Clancy

God wants to see his creation success

Premram Sidal

Love is not of God. Love is God. But not the worldly desires humans call love. Real love can only be experienced through God.

Alexis Castillo

God is love

Rose Marie Flores