What does it mean to love God?

What does it really means TO LOVE GOD?

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Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. John 14:23

Love is a relationship based on free will and truth. when we live our life according to God’s words with free will, it is the love to God. :revolving_hearts:

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Loving God means to serve and worship Him to the best of our abilities. It is a result of our gratitude for the many things that He has done for us. We cannot fully love God if we don’t take time to read His Word and talk to Him through prayer.

I John 4:19 says, “We love him, because he first loved us”
Because of that, cultivating our relationship with Him and seeking His will become our acts of love toward God.

Hi there, @theenaocay! For me, to love God is to accept, believe, and fully trust Him. Accept Him as your savior, accept Him in your life. Believe in Him, in our daily lives we have to believe that God is with us as we face our battles, we are not alone. And of course, trust Him. Whatever is happening in our lives, we must trust God’s plans. Oh and most especially, respect Him. respect his commandments, how we treat other people reflects how we treat God. Let us be kind to one another, God put us here not to be against each other, but to help each other.

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If you Love God, You will be having a peaceful heart and you will see things that it is Gods Gift for you.
and you will be having a positive life.
Relationship with God is full of love. you can’t See him but remember this that He is watching you above there.