What has Jesus Christ done for you?

Let’s testify.
What has Jesus Christ done for you?

Phil Enchi

I’m still waiting for him to exist.

Rich Crane

Set me free

Glenda Baker

Died for our sins.Left the best example for a human to be. Intercedes on our behalf to The Father.

Tim Durante Sr.

Hope, faith, Love

Arnelsr Bayang Oliveros

Everything that matters

Charlie Wesgeorge

Seek and you shall find

Cathy Thompson

Kept me alive

Barbara Line-Ward

I woke up this morning.

Allen Surla

Gave me hope. Knocked so loud when I stopped hearing long ago that I finally heard and got on the right path.

Rachelle Chiasson

Gave me another day. For all of you doubters Let’s do a little test. Take a deep breath and then breath out. Now try and tell me that God has done nothing for you. Not possible !!!

Tommy Bryant

Everything. Without him, nothing exists. Without him, nothing matters. With him, I have internal peace, gratitude, love, compassion and hope. I pity those that do not know him.

Sandy Lambert