What is the great challenge that Christian facing with this day?

let’s discuss some crisis of Christianity this day

It seems most of the “crisis” of being a Christian today is not happening in America … yet. Though we experience certain types of persecution, usually it is that of social estrangement or bullying. In other countries a Christian can be jailed or even killed for being a Christian.

However, in America, I think the greatest challenge that faces a Christian today is really a simple choice:

A. Are you going to believe in human ideas?
B. Are you going to believe in God and read His Word (The Bible) and follow His commands?

And in a country where “christianity” has become “churchianity” that can be a REAL challenge.

From my point of view, the greatest problem facing the church is lack of unity. When Jesus Christ was getting ready to leave this earth, He prayed for His disciples and asked especially that they would be united (see John 17:20-21). He said that whenever His followers acted in unity, the world would know that the Father had sent Him (see John 17:23). However, it is extremely difficult in this world to achieve the kind of unity, love, and concern for one another that Jesus Christ shared with His disciples.

I am not advocating unity at the expense of purity or at the expense of doctrinal truth. We cannot throw out the Bible in order to have unity. We cannot embrace any strange doctrine just to have superficial unity. But we must have unity where those who truly love Jesus Christ will love each other and try to work together. Even though they may differ over techniques and other superficial things, Christians must work together and emphasize areas of agreement. When this happens, the church will become a supernaturally powerful force. According to the book of Genesis, upon the occasion of the building of the tower of Babel, God saw that the people had one language and were of one accord. Because of this, He said that nothing they wanted to do would have been impossible for them (see Genesis 11:6). If the church could achieve unity, it could change the political and social structure of society with no trouble at all. The world would be a beautiful place to live in if the church would get together. Regrettably, we do not. We have a divisive party spirit…we have jealousy…we fight…we are suspicious of one another. I am not talking about those who do not really believe in God. I am talking about the ones who are believers, who have been born again. If people will truly follow after the Spirit of God, they can operate in unity, because the Spirit of God will give them unity.

Unity begins to break down when man’s selfishness enters the picture. For unity we have to have mutual respect and a mutual willingness to give and to surrender, not to the other person so much, but to Jesus. We can truly have unity when we all want God’s will to be done.

he church is in crisis, as it always is. Such could be said of the church in the early centuries, during the middle ages, in the tumultuous time of the Reformation, and in our modern era. From the days when Christians were getting drunk at the table in Corinth to the brutal extermination of Christians today at the hands of Islamic terrorists, crises have been constant. Heresies strike from inside, persecutions from outside. The church is in crisis.

The church is also stable. “Upon this rock, I will build my church,” Jesus said. Like the parable he tells of the wise man, Jesus builds his house on the rock, and the gates of hell will not prevail against his people. Yes, there will be fallings away, false messiahs, heresies that ravage his teaching, moral aberrations that harm our witness, and persecutions that sweep over the landscape. The true church is always in crisis but always stable. We are in a spiritual battle whose outcome is secure.

Any attempt to address our current cultural context must keep in mind both of these truths—the church is in crisis and stable. If we do not consider the seriousness of the crises we face, we will succumb to complacency and lose the edge of our witness. If we do not consider the stability of Jesus’s promise, we will succumb to fruitless fear and anxiety. Our task is to see the opportunity that accompanies every challenge and to see the challenges that accompany every opportunity. We need discernment and wisdom, grounded in hopeful realism.

i think secular culture. This is the most challenge. we cannot attract young people to our church. This is very bad.

I think it is secularization.