What is the most touching part when you go to the church for the first time?

Praise or Sermon or Prayer or anything else?

The first churches I went to were big old, cold cathedrals and mostly around Christmas. They were VERY impressive and they do have a certain holy air about them. This is what moved me at first. But whether you would call this “touched” not sure if it qualifies for that.

I feel that church is so pure.

For me it was the music. Honestly.

The praise really touched my heart.

By God’s grace, a friend of mine invited me to attend a church gathering when I was 33. I thought it was a party, so I went with him happily. But, to my surprise, he did not bring me to a party. The pastor happened to preach about the prodigal son in Luke 15. I realized I was the prodigal son and I had not been back home for 15 years. I didn’t know how my parents were.

That night I raised up my hands and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I repented and cried with tears before God. Afterwards, the pastor gave me a CCB Bible. The same night I called my parents and told them that I have believed in Jesus and I would go home to see them one of these days. After accepting Jesus, I changed my lifestyle and started reading the Bible every day.

About six months later, I attended a Bible study in the church. The Word of God helped me to overcome my drug addiction. I was baptized this August. I was like the prodigal son, but my heavenly Father loves me and accepted me in His loving arms.

This is a holy place even at that time our church was very small and the house was a little old. The joy of the believers also touched me a lot.

I feel church is very holy, the peoples in church are so holy.

When I first time to go to the church I sit in the middle of the church and listen to the word of God.The preacher was preaching the Bible. I don’t know why my tear was drop can not stop. And someone beside me said, you meet God. That’s why you have tear.