What is your/everyone’s views on Ash Wednesday and fasting from meat yesterday?

What is your/everyone’s views on Ash Wednesday and fasting from meat yesterday ? Do y’all as Christians true followers of Christ filled with the spirit believe on doing that unto the Lord yesterday? Or is it a Catholic thing and nothing biblical about it?? I’m asking for logic and awareness on it and if I should follow or if it’s just a religious thing? Thanks for feedback

Calvin Romero

Where in the Bible does it talk about this. If it’s not in the Bible I don’t fuss with it. Catholics have two sources of truth their traditions and scripture Protestants don’t accept traditions as truth just man’s ideas

Mark Buchanan

Some issues in your life will not be removed until you fast and pray. Fasting is not a pagan practice. You set apart that time to concencrate yourself to God. Deny your flesh the pleasures of natural food to feed the inner man. The spiritual portion of man.

Eddie L. Crishom Jr.

The Father gave us His set apart times and how we’re to observe them in Leviticus 23. Mixing pagan practices into our worship of the Father goes against His Instructions (Deuteronomy 12:4). This is what is meant to be “lukewarm”, the impact of that i… See more

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