What is your take on Yoga? Is it bad?

I would glad to know your views on this. Is yoga bad? specially on meditation and poses?

Answer: > "So Should Christians Practice Yoga?

No, Christians should not practice yoga since the intention of yoga is a path to attain salvation through union with a false deity. Some Christians practice yoga and say that all Christians can practice yoga. But, that is incorrect. Christians should not be involved in any meditative methodology that deals with energy balancing, focused energy movement, chakras, etc., of which yoga advocates."

See https://carm.org/should-christians-practice-yoga for more information.

@Sunami_Carpenter thanks for the enlightenment

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@cocoyoongie Iā€™m glad to pass it on. I had to go look for it myself. There is MUCH information about many things regarding Christianity at carm.org. The search box there will often give articles to answer the many questions we all have.