What order you would recommend to someone who is new to reading the Bible for full understanding of it

Hey, I know everyone has their order of reading the Bible, but I would like to know what order you would recommend to someone who is new to reading the Bible for full understanding of it. God bless

Ky Shan Na

New Testament first…Go to Roman’s,…acts,Ephesians , galatians, … See more

Dennis Perigny

New Testament then Old Testament, pray to God before you read . And humble yourself so that God can give you His wisdom. Because every word in the Bible has its hidden mysteries that Only God can reveal.

Ranoco B. Mgrace

reading it in some kind of order, other than the begining isnt and will not give you understanding. i got saved, BORN AGAIN 38 years ago. i asked GOD where do i start? the begining HE said. IN THE BEGININD GOD, that is your faith builder right there.

Melvin Clark