What stops people from trusting in Jesus? I have a few reasons, but would love to hear yours

What stops people from trusting in Jesus? I have a few reasons, but would love to hear yours.

Luis R. Feliz

Lack in faith when we experiences trials and God seems to listen…but then again…a spark of hope arises when your losing your trust…it is then you restore your faith to God.To God be all the glory…God bless everyone…Amen

Gladelyn Aguilar

When we trust God for the things we don’t see that’s believing in the power of Heaven I thank him daily I thank God and pray his will in my life so my mind and my thoughts and my actions be in order with him whom. SAVED ME… who is always READY TO HEL… See more

Linda Rivera

All too often we Christians have tried to convict people of their sins rather than convince them of how big and Gracious and loving Our LORD and SAVIOR truly is. You don’t win a follower with fear

Jan Cichowlas