What will you do if you can't see hope in your life?

Hello, dear friend @Nathan
This was like a sign of God to me, I have been feeling to much down recently… Between the quarantine and personal situations life feels so hard sometimes. But I always pray and talk to God, it’s my way of saying I won’t give up against the devil threat, I’ll trust God that he will give me the insight and faith to see trough the bad situations to a better tomorrow. Reading this thread makes me feel a little better, you may have wrote it asking for help, well you gave help to me too! Thank you!
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero

Hello my friend there’s always hope just pray to God and cry before Him he is always there to listen if we feel giving up just hold on to his words and so many promises God will never leave us have faith in Him God will never failed us Just trust in Him.:blush:

It feels nice to vent out my feelings to my friends whenever I feel hopeless but there are times that talking to them makes me feel confuse even more so instead, I lock myself in my room and cry my heart out to God. His peace soothes my heart and it unbelievably clears my mind. :slight_smile:

This post is almost 2 years ago. But still i reflect on it. Sometimes we are losing hope in a certain situation. We are wondering why God is doing this why God is letting us fall to our sins. Let us reflect on this. God will not let us fall to our sins, Technically its our choice. He gives us a will to decide but we need to feel if it is Gods Grace. Just pray to our Lord he is our Big Hope.

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Every time I feel hopeless and start to feel afraid, I always talk to him.

God is always telling us,
“I know you have been struggling for a long time, spiritually and emotionally. You may have abused and had been abused too in many ways. The devil has tried to make you lose your mind many times. You may have betrayed and had been betrayed in many ways, yet you stand in the midst of storms. You are still here because I am with you. I will not allow any weapon that is formed against you to prosper. Fear not, I am going to turn things around and bless you in the presence of your enemies. Hold on to your faith”

And never lose hope because he promise to never let us go to battle alone. Regardless of the terrible circumstances of this life, he loves us.

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I still learning this now, it is a constant struggle battling with anxiety for quite some time really makes you loose hope. Trying to find solutions with your problems but instead of landing at one, you end up with another problem and it keeps piling up. But lately God has been teaching me to be dependent on Him, always reminding me through His word like: 1 Peter 5:10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. This is what I do now, relying on God’s grace, mercy, and love, when hope seems to be lost, I just look at my savior and remind myself that He is gracious, He is merciful, and most importantly He loves me.

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Just keep hold onto God’s promises there will be always hope for all of us. God never feel us to be alone and he’s always helping us from the above. Though we think we’re hopeless but the truth is we’re not.