Where i can start reading the bible?

I wanna start studying my bible but I honestly don’t know how anyone have any tips?

Please start from gospels, i mean from Matthew


start with the book you like very much, and the book that you are familiar…

Top 5 Places to Start Reading the Bible

  1. The Gospel of John - This is the best place for new believers, especially, to start reading. This book will give you a good understanding of who Jesus is and what His ministry is about. Although the other Gospel accounts (Matthew, Mark and Luke) do this, the book of John particularly focuses on who Jesus is rather than just what He did.
  2. Romans - This is a good place to start if you want a clear understanding of the Gospel. I suggest every Christian read Romans to build confidence in the faith they profess. Since the entire Bible points to the Good News of Jesus Christ, this is certainly a good place to start.
  3. Psalms - This is a great place to start if you’re looking for encouragement. The Psalms offer hope, and healing, and help us to better understand that God is with us no matter our circumstances. I often suggest reading Psalms if stress and anxiety keep you up at night because the poetry style of writing is not only relatable, but also very comforting.
  4. Proverbs - This book is packed with wisdom. It offers biblical knowledge and instruction to help guide us in our day-to-day life. It’s a great place to start if you want practical direction on how to live out this Christian life. The brevity of each verse also make it an easy and light read.
  5. Genesis - I generally would not place a historical book of the Bible, like Genesis, as the best place to start but if you want to read through the entire Bible in chronological order, Genesis is the place to go. Doing so will give you a better understanding of the Bible as a whole.

Daily Bible study and prayer are vital to your spiritual life. Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Psalm 119:9, 11, 105.

When asked by a new Christian where he should begin reading the Bible, Mr. Graham said, “Begin by reading the Gospel of John, for it tells us of Christ, of the ‘greatest life ever lived,’ and what He has done for us. Next read Acts, for it tells us what His first disciples did in the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Then perhaps the letters of John and the letter to the Philippians. Then you may want to read Romans, which sets forth the great doctrines which Paul taught.”

After you have finished these books, read the rest of the New Testament. You will want to study the Old Testament as well.

Do not be troubled about the things you read and do not understand. Trust the Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind and grant understanding. As you study prayerfully, you will experience a close fellowship with the Lord.

you can study from New Testament, because it is easy. If you cannot hold on, you can find your interesting part at first. After you get grace, you can go on the difficulty one.

I suggest you to read: Proverbs, Psalm, New Testament. Reading bible is really important, but if you have chance to join bible study, it would be very helpful for you to understand the words.

yes, Proverbs, Psalm, New Testament. can easily understand. Finally, you can overcome the Old Testament.

“Overcome” the Old Testament? Do you mean that it is very hard to understand? (I ask because it seems others say the same thing.)

Genesis is a breeze! I love that book! However, I think the purpose for reading the New Testament first is usually to fix the new Bible reader’s eyes on our salvation: Jesus Christ.

Frankly, when I started reading I started in Genesis and finished in Revelation. Reading it like a novel first, to get the overview, I found it fascinating. Then I read it through a second time. After that I began to study, but kept up my reading. I’m on the 6th time through in 3 years. (It’s not that hard. If I read novels 3 1/2 hours a day, I can read the Bible that same amount of time.)

Starting from the four Gospel books may be good.

Gosoel, Psalms, Proverbs are good to read when you start.

From John. I recommend. You can read the last prayer of Jesus on the earth. It is so touching.

Start with gospel John :slight_smile: