Where would you suggest to start reading the Bible?

Where would you suggest to start reading the Bible? Gospels first?

Read the Bible from the book of Genesis. It will be easier for you to make sense of the rest of the Bible if you know Genesis.

If you have never read the Bible before and you have come to faith, you might want to read the Gospel of John first. It’s the meat and potatoes of what we believe in as Christians. The very word “Christians” should point you to Christ, and if you’ve never read a Gospel, I recommend you do that first.

I also agree with @mosesunique

“Read the Bible from the book of Genesis. It will be easier for you to make sense of the rest of the Bible if you know Genesis.”

It is far easier to comprehend who God is and who we are if you read the entire Bible. You do not have to understand every line of it the first time through (or 2nd or 3rd). Just read it. It will show you God’s consistent nature and man’s fallen nature and WHY we need Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross in the first place.

Well for me, I have a year 2020 guide on the bible reading from January to December. :blush::blush::blush:
But for you Sir George… you may start from the Gospel of John, Romans, Psalms, Proverbs, and Genesis. I hope you are ready and excited to get started. God bless! :blush:

Hi, George. I would suggest reading the Gospels first. More specifically, I would suggest reading the Gospel of John and Mark. The Old Testament is a picture of Jesus Christ and His work on the cross. You would appreciate reading the Old Testament with a solid understanding of the works of Jesus.

Then, I would suggest reading the Acts of the apostles, as this would give you a picture of what it means to be a part of the church and what it means to continue the work of Jesus on earth.

After that, go to Romans. As the book of Romans is a presentation of the Christian belief. From here, you would read on different analogies and stories from the Old Testament. You can now go and start reading from Genesis.

The thing is, I do not think you had to overthink which book to read first. The most important thing is you have the heart, the desire to know Jesus. Let God speak to you as you read the bible. Praying for you, brother.