Why do we struggle to read our Bibles regularly?

Why do we struggle to read our Bibles regularly?

Chris Dobson

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That’s the first thing I do every morning

Victor Bermudez

I’m trying to get better at that

Shermere Coulston


Kim N. Perry

Because we are so distracted by this world and this temporary life. I have alot of problems now because i took my focus off the Lord

Gen Jen

In the past, I have had every intention to read my bible first thing in the morning, but I’ll miss it once, then it snowballs to days, weeks, months. I truly believe the devil does everything he can to keep us from reading the word. The best thing to do, is set a time and place and do it every single day without fail. You start praying more and spending more time with God. Before you know it, you’ll be reading every day and you’ll realize that slowly, God has changed you. You mind will be renewed, you’re spirit will be refreshed, you’re relationship to God, closer than ever. You will feel an immense peace and joy. You won’t feel anymore shame from your past mistakes. This is what it feels like to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.

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