Why is it that people who say “I could be wrong” sound so much more credible than people who insist they are right?

Why is it that people who say “I could be wrong” sound so much more credible than people who insist they are right? Is it because we like it when people sound humble? (“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” - Matt. 23:12). Maybe because it sounds like the person has actually thought about the issue and isn’t just quoting what somebody else said? Maybe because it just sounds more honest? Any thoughts on this?

Laura Kay Mohr

The way to the Lord’s heart is a humble man. I learned this the hard way. I had the half gospel. I didn’t humble myself to the Lord when I began reading the Bible. I began heaping teaches instead of listening to His words of truth. I guess I thoug… See more

Misty Jones Gipson

I think it’s always good to be humble and temper your words. We don’t always have to be right, even if we know the answer. Being humble encourages conversation with others that might not know the answer but are intimidated to step out and engage while … See more

Debbie Kelly

They sound credible because they are being honest in their lack of confidence in what they teach. However, it is a mistake to discredit someone because they are certain. What if someone is certain because they have studied the subject in depth and trul… See more

Kenneth J. Schonmeier