You are right with God the moment you believe in the son Jesus Christ. My friends, nothing can ever separate you from his love, not your behavior, not your feelings, not other people, not demonic forces, not anything. Jesus Christ makes you RIGHTEOUS once for all time because you believed. You are a new creation in Christ, and totally redeemed in him no matter what you do or don’t do.
This is your identity now, a free person, a saved person, a justified person, a sanctified person, and above all a perfectly loved child of God. Rest in these truths, and know that you are now free to grow in relationship with the PERFECT God in heaven.
The Father see’s you as children, and doesn’t remember your sins anymore. The veil is torn, and the door to his love and affection is always open. The Father will never close the door on you, no matter what your struggles are, so my friends I implore you to embrace your identity as a holy saint and child of God. Do the things that you know are good, love others, spread peace, share the gospel of grace, and be full of joy always in your rest with Christ.
It depends on what is meant by “believe in Jesus” here. If you believe that everything Jesus said is true, then of course, you will obey it. Some people’s “belief in Jesus” is just that the Cross gives them a free pass and they ignore everything else t… See more