You must BELIEVE

Quote from: Minister Lucy Morilla

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Hi @Eva! Thank you for sharing this verse.
Many people often think that whenever they pray to God about something they want, they will instantly get. This is a thinking I really disagree with. We should pray to God asking for these things but know that it will take time. God knows what we need and when we need it. He will give us everything in due time. Learn how to wait because God’s plans are better than what we have planned for ourselves.

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We need to pray with full trust and assurance that God wants to answer prayers that are prayed in alignment with His Word and will for our lives. And there are days when we will be distracted, tired, sick, bored, or even downright tired of praying. But always remember the power of persistent prayers.

Be patient. God is fighting our battles, arranging things in our favor, making a way even when when we don’t see a way. Always believe that His plans are always better than ours. When the time is right, He will give everything we asked and prayed for.