Lesson learned? “What God has for you, is for you…trust his timing, and trust his plan”…God bless us girls!
I am 28 years old now. Last year, my 4-year relationship ended. I was completely lost. It was hard. All the things we have planned for our future together, its all gone now. Thanks to my family and friends, after months of crying and pain, I am learning to love myself again and focus on my growth and future. I have realize that having someone doesn’t make you feel complete. Rather, you have to be complete and happy on your own. That’s when the right one will come. The one that God will send for you. And you are right, He has plans for us. And his plans are always better. He knows exactly what we need and when to give it. I always believe in saying; If you get what you want, that’s God direction. When you don’t get what you want, that’s God’s protection. God makes everything happen in the right time.
@kianna: it’s really true…the answers to your prayers happens when you least expect it…because the more you expect it, the more you get frustrated…so have more patience to wait. There will be long delays, but when God wills it to happen: it is eventually worth it…so stop worrying, move forward, and start living the life God wants you to be…Cheers dear!
Hello there @Jojoy: I feel your frustrations because I’ve been there too…That feeling wherein you can ask “what if it is negative again?, what if it’s just a delay with my cycle?” Etc…Oh well, I onced uttered that too…What did I do? I did stop worrying and start filling in my thoughts about these words…“If God answers my prayers he is increasing my faith, if he delays: he is increasing my patience.If he doesn’t answer: he has something better for me”…So stop worrying @Jojoy…just enjoy every single day that you have…Just instill in your mind that maybe God delays your pregnancy because he is protecting you and the baby from covid19… Cheer up!
@Jean: The really hard time upon moving on is reminiscing the past plans with the wrong person haha! No offensement girl…I’ve been there too! That feeling wherein you keep crying, couldn’t eat, couldn’t accept everything, and couldn’t sleep…it seems like the clock stops ticking, and so your life too…
Your mind is battling of all the “WHY’s”…But then, if the relationship really doesn’t work why push it and prolong your agony?hehe…Then days passed, you’ll probably get through it…You will start moving forward and beginning to love the things you do again and life cycle continues…That’s life!
Lesson learn? In life there are people who come and go…sometimes they cross your path to teach you a lesson or to learn from them…Cheer up @Jean! God is still preparing the right person for you, there will be delays; but for sure he is the one whom you prayed for…
Yes! I really had a lot of realizations. After months of really being lost, sad and alone. Slowly but definitely worth all the tears and pain. That its okay if I don’t know what I feel, if I don’t know what I want and if I cant figure things out as I go. It’s okay to not want something I worked so hard on getting after realizing it wasn’t what I thought it was. Its okay to change my mind, to make mistakes, to walk away from someone I once loved, from something that once meant the world to me. Its okay, because this is my life, my body, my beliefs, my mind, my heart and my feelings. And I don’t need validation from no one. Thank you @MakkaPakka cheers!
@Jean: True! Life doesn’t end when we lost someone…I really wonder why other people commit suicide after a breakup…I’m glad you are fine now, and for sure you are able to move on now. Just continue enjoying your “me time”, and be grateful as always to God.
I agree! This will only ruin my mood and the way I see things. I just have to let things be and be patient. If it happens, it happens! : God knows what is best for us, I give Him my full trust!
Hello there, @Sheila_Curran! I love the title! Bible Burger Meal! Thank you so much for sharing that video! It is very wonderful seeing people share the word of the Lord God through different platforms. With what we are experiencing now, we most definitely need to hear His words.
@kianna: Yes dear! Patience is the key as always…Because what is meant for you will eventually be granted in God’s perfect time. We may fear at times, but know that our God is bigger than the fears we have. Everything is written according to God’s plan, let us just trust him along the process.